105 x 200 cm, 2020
Acryl Paint on Canvas, Wooden Wardrobe

The artwork consists of
three elements:
Firstly there's a very bold and visible frame made from a repurposed wardrobe. Secondly there are two stretched cotton canvae specifically made to fit into the frame.
The top panel provides a naturalistic perspective of the Ronacher as it looks today with its modern addition being made more visible than it actually is.
The bottom panel is a more abstracted view of the pavement in front of the building, with a puddle of water reflecting the Ronacher as it burned down in 1884. The event is fictionalised by adding a dragon that breathes fire into the upside down arches.
This artwork was very prominanlty featured in the exhibition "DisAster" in 2021, which took place at Galerie Frank, a stones throw away from the actual building. So entering and exiting the show would lead to the viewer making the connection right away.